Looking for answers to your questions?

On this page we have summarized a list of frequently asked questions and answers in order for you to have all the information you need at your disposal. However, if you feel that you still don’t have the answer you are looking for, feel free to contact your account manager via email or by clicking here.


Do I have to agree to any terms to become a partner?

Yes. We kindly ask that you take your time and go through the terms and understand them prior to becoming a partner. You can find our Terms and Conditions by clicking here.

Which countries do you accept players from?

As our brand is focused on the German federal state of Schleswig-Holstein, we only accept players with a valid home address in Schleswig-Holstein! Furthermore, it is also recommended to liaise with your account manager along with referring to the terms that highlight this topic.

How long does it take to receive an answer from an account manager or for general inquiries?

We strive to answer as soon as possible and never later than 2 business days from the time of your inquiry. However, we do ask to take into consideration public holidays and weekends.

What commission deals do you offer?

There are 3 types of commission deals:

  • CPA (Cost Per Acquisition),
  • Revenue Share and
  • Hybrid deals.

Each has a variety of criteria which a deal can be based on and the amount that would be rewarded to partners. Below are the definitions:

CPA: This is a one-time occurrence for payment toward a referred player. It is typically based on an action of a referred player, be it a registration, or even a new player  staking an amount of money in a particular game type. Once the criteria are met, then the partner is awarded an amount of money for that action based on the commission reward amount set for it. There are several configurations of commission criteria, which are all thorougly explained in the rate card that is assigned to you.

Revenue Share: This is a percentage-based commission deal of the revenue generated from the referred players. There are certain deductions which are applied after the generated revenue, after which the percentage basis is applied and the commission amount is awarded to the partner. For a breakdown of the Revenue Share calculations, please see the ‘How is Revenue Share commission calculated?’ entry further below. We also have Revenue Share deals associated with a game type or in general, and may at times include a cut-off date of a stipulated time frame. There are several configurations of commission criteria, which are all thorougly explained in the rate card that is assigned to you.

Hybrid: This is a combination of both CPA and Revenue Share simultaneously applied to a partner’s referred players’ actions. This commission deal is only available to long-standing partners who have provided good ongoing business. Here too are several configurations towards commission criteria, which are all thorougly explained in the rate card that is assigned to you.

How will I know what my commission deal is?

Unless discussed and agreed in advance, you are set with a default deal that can be seen within the ‘My campaign’ section of your account. You can discuss commission deals with your account manager and find a fit that is of mutual agreement. All commission deal discussions are advised to be communicated in written format via email to safeguard both you and your account manager.

Once you become a member of our partner programme your deal will be shown in the partner portal and has all the criteria listed for your perusal. This is clearly outlined but should you have any doubt, then please contact your account manager for clarification for what the deal consists of.

How is Revenue Share commission calculated?

Revenue Share Commission is calculated as follows:

Revenues – Converted Bonus Money – Tax – Handling Fee = Net Margin.

This will then equal the Net Margin of which the Revenue Share deal percentage is based on.

How is Revenue generated from a referred player?

Slots: Revenue is based on an Estimated Gross Revenue where the operator takes a fixed % amount being staked into a game and applies the Return To Player (RTP) of all slot games.

Benefits for this type of revenue model are that Jackpot winners, or winners in general, do not hinder affiliate commission. It is also purely based on stake and not based on additional factors like deposits, payouts etc.

Example: €1.00 staked on the Book or Ra™ deluxe slot, which has a 95% RTP. Accordingly, the revenue is therefore €0.05.

What is explicitly forbidden when trying to promote the brand StarGames?

As per the Glücksspielstaatsvertrag 2021, you are not allowed to use the words “casino” (in German “Casino”) or “casino games” (in German “Casinospiele”) in connection with our brand. You are in no time allowed to target minors with your marketing efforts. It is also not permitted to mislead your audience when it comes to winning chances or to show gambling as a solution to financial problems.

Is there a specific timeframe in which I am not allowed promote the brand StarGames?

As long as you can select the times when your advertisement can be seen online, you are obliged to only run your ads between 21:00 and 06:00, as per the Glücksspielstaatsvertrag 2021.

Can I send out a personalized newsletter campaign for your brand?

This is only possible, if you have obtained explicit consent from the persons in your mailing list for a personalized campaign. If you only have a mailing list that does not specify, if the entries in it have or have not subscribed to a personalized communication, you shall not target this list for our brand with any kind of campaigns.

Can I do a cold calling campaign to advertise your brand?

No. It is strictly forbidden to advertise our brand via cold calling (i.e.: calling people on the phone without them having given you or us explicit consent that they can be contacted by this means).

What else do I have to pay attention to?

Please note that the following actions are also forbidden when advertising the brand StarGames, as these are illegal, reckless and can irrevocably damage the brand image:

  • Misleading advertising, particularly advertising which contains unfounded statements on the chances of winning or the type and sum of the winnings.
  • The results of games of chance must not be depicted as being influenced by the player and games of chance may not be presented as a solution to financial problems.
  • Advertising that gives the impression that it is editorial content.
  • Use of iconic drug-related imagery and persons known for their drug use and/or violence, individuals drinking alcohol whilst playing any type of casino game or depicting a player chasing losses, gambling recklessly or gambling reclusively.
  • Displaying marijuana related symbols or alcohol and/or other illicit substances.
  • Representations of people winning money and suggesting that this resolves social, educational, professional or personal problems.
  • Showing individuals in a context such as the workplace or office, thereby suggesting that gaming can in some way substitute employment or assuring some form of financial gain.
  • Suggesting that one can attract friends since gambling boosts an individual’s social status.
  • Portray gaming as indispensable or as taking priority in life (over family, friends or professional or educational commitments). Portraying a player in a casual family environment or in the presence of a traditional family unit.
  • Suggesting that gaming on your own is preferable or can in some way translate into a better chance of winning.
  • Suggesting peer pressure to game. The use of certain slogans such as “Bet Now!” or placing some sort of time limitation on gambling opportunities, may incite pressure on the audience to gamble, leading to irresponsible gambling behavior.
  • Suggesting that the attainment or enhancement of certain skills will in some way increase the player’s odds of winning.
  • Provision of false or untruthful information about the chances of winning or expected return from gaming.
  • Exploitation of cultural beliefs or traditions about gaming or luck.
  • Reference to instantly available consumer credit services, or any other ways of providing credit to players. This credit can be in cash, cash bonus or any other token.


What is a campaign?
A campaign is where you create a link in order to track the progress of the amount of referred players brought in from any online marketing initiatives.  Each campaign will have a unique identifier so we can monitor every campaign created.
Are there limits to the number of campaigns that can be created?
No. You can create as many campaigns as you need and they do not expire.
Where and how do I create campaigns?

This is done within the “Campaigns” section in your account. There will be fields to fill in your requirements along with drop-down selections. Once you are happy with your selections, simply press the “Create” button. Then you will be able to extract the link/code for your use. Furthermore, you will be able to see how the campaign progresses once traffic is being sent to the link.

Do you offer pixel tracking?
Yes. This can be implemented on registration, confirmation emails and depositing player events. We are also able to apply placeholder tags that give information concerning the pixel.
If I have more than one website or online channel, do I need to create multiple campaigns?
That is completely up to you. We offer reporting and statistics for each campaign. If you want to monitor the performance of your marketing initiatives separately, you can create a separate campaign for every one of them.
Is there any way to reduce the amount of work needed which is connected to having many sites?

We offer ‘SubID’, which is also known as ‘dynamic parameters’. This enables you to create a single campaign and have an additional parameter at the end of the campaign link. This parameter can be dynamic, allowing partners to place coding of their preference to reference certain aspects which can then be monitored and represented in their own reporting.

Marketing Material

How do I get banners from you and place them on my site?
During the process of creating a campaign you will have the ability to choose a banner to correspond with what you would like to promote. Should you opt for a banner, a choice of one or more banners will be available for selection. Once you choose the preferred banner, you will be presented with the HTML code to place on your site. This HTML code embeds the graphic and the landing page link together which then displays the banner as intended and tracks the activity generated from it.
Am I able to create my own banners or material?

Generally no, this is not allowed. However, as stated in our Terms and Conditions there is the possibility for the permission to be obtained: a written confirmation must be given by the account manager after reviewing each of the personally created marketing materials.


How often are campaign statistics and reports updated?
This is done every 24 hours between midnight and 2:00am GMT+1.
Do you offer SubID and reporting for it?
Yes. Once a partner is using the “SubID” parameter and sending traffic towards it, they can extract reporting. This is found in the ‘Reports’ section of your account and by running the SubID report. You can extract this in CSV, PDF, Excel and other formats.
My Revenue Share deal was recently increased by 5% but does not seem to show this yet. Why?

When a new deal is applied (not just for Revenue Share but all deals) it is tagging the new registered referred players from the date when the new deal has gone live. It does not backdate past referred players. Therefore, your current commission has possible contribution from past deals and the activity towards it along with current activity of the new deal. You can view your campaign progress according to rate cards which will highlight the variances.


Which payment providers do you offer for commission payments?

We provide the following payment options: bank transfer, Skrill and Neteller. If you want to suggest any additional payment option, please let us know by contacting your account manager or by filling out our contact form here.

When is commission payment done?

Commission is calculated twice a month (1st and 15th of the month). This calculation is based on the previous period or till the beginning, if no commission calculation was done before.

Example: 1st April Calculation is for the activity period of 15th till the 31st of March. If the account has generated activity in February but only managed to fulfil all commission and payment requirements until the end of March then the activity period will be 1st February till the 31st March.

What are the payment requirements?
All details within the ‘Account’ section of your account need to be filled in correctly. Both ‘Contact details’ and ‘Payment details’ are mandatory! If there is something missing or not verified, then you will be presented with a warning notification in the ‘Account’ section, informing you that payment is not possible due to incomplete information.
What happens if I don’t fill in my details in time?

No need to worry, this will then be recalculated in the next calculation period. Your commission is accumulative, meaning it will be added to whatever is generated over the next period. We recommend checking your details before a calculation period to ensure everything is correct.

Partners completing their details on the 1st and the 15th will not be included in the calculation period and will be included on the following period!

Is there a minimum commission payment amount?

Yes. The minimum commission payment amount is €50 per commission calculation period. If the amount is not reached within the said period, then the amount will then be carried over to the next period(s) until the €50 amount is cumulatively achieved.

How long does it take to receive the money?
After the commission calculation dates (1st and 15th of the month), typically we take 1 business day for checks followed by the duration of payment transfer which can take up to 3 business days at most. The best case scenario is that payment funds are delivered to your account within 24 hours. However, our Terms and Conditions state a maximum of up to 15 days grace period to settle payments.